The Next Generation PartnerSource/CustomerSource?

Did you see this communication on PartnerSource/CustomerSource?

Having been harsh on MS various times with respect to PartnerSource I must admit I was quite astounded by this news. I really had to overcome some disbelief and force myself to read the article and let go of my prejudice. Yes, I still have to wait to January 11 before I will be able to believe my eyes. And yes, I will do my utmost best to be positively surprised and fiercely hope this promise will stand.

And as the Microsoft Dynamics Community Team writes:

Let us know your thoughts!

Again, this is just the first step in a longer journey. At launch in January, we’ll provide a detailed 2014/2015 roadmap and show you a list of the capabilities we’re shooting for, not just in PartnerSource, but also in how we evolve the customer journey. We also recommend reviewing the Next Generation PartnerSource and CustomerSource FAQ to help alleviate some general questions you may have. If you’d like to submit questions or comments prior to launch, please contact us at and we’ll get back to you quickly.

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