In chapter 6 of my book, on pages 109 and 110, the data model and business logic changes for the Lookup Value business case are listed and discussed. One way or another these changes are covered by most of the test examples worked on in the book. Accept for the two…
As I explain in my book with test example 8 in chapter 8, the testability framework – or actually the test toolkit – does not provide for layout testing, only dataset testing. Those who bought both the 1st and 2nd edition of my book might have noticed that the verification…
Time for another addendum to my book: simplifying API testing. In the first part of Chapter 13, Testing Incoming and Outgoing Calls, I discuss how you can go about testing incoming calls, i.e. calls to your APIs. In this I followed the approach by MS in testing their APIs: Set…
Like any other kind of project writing and publishing a book never leads to a 100% flawless result, whatever the level of commitment and professionalism. My peers and I have spent so much time in getting things reviewed and modified. Alas, it might seem useless but of course isn’t. I…
As promised in my first addendum post Addendum #01 – Scenario 0032 ‘Test that lookup value shows on standard Customer – List report’ I would pick up one-by-one the out-scoped issues logged on the GitHub repo accompanying the book. This one took a bit longer because of my needed Xmas…
Those who have already acquired my book and started to read might have discovered that there is a GitHub repo accompanying the book. They also might have seen that a number of out-scoped issues have been already listed. Issues I was going to handle after the book would be published….
Various times I have been asked what the differences are between the 1st and 2nd edition of my book Automated Testing in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Or in other words: Luc, tell me, why should I buy the 2nd edition of your book? So, I made a quick overview…
As more people are starting to get into test automation, my book is being used more and more. And as time is moving on it gets outdated more and more, unfortunately. Because of this I have asked my publisher almost a year ago to update the content to be fully…